Pak-13 Food Fortification Act and Rules for Nutrition International Canada


Development of National food fortification act and rules for Ministry of Planning and Development Pakistan through Nutrition International-Canada. After a detailed desk review and consultations with core stakeholders such as Ministry of National Food Security, Ministry of National Health Services & Regulations (MoNHS&R) and Planning Department (MoPD), SUN Business complex, WFP and other relevant stake holders from GAIN and Ehsas Programme developed national food fortification act and rules of business.

Services Provided:

Momentum conducted a comprehensive research on the situation of nutrition and the food fortification in Pakistan in terms of legislation, policies and their implementation. In-depth consultations were held with nutrition experts from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Our experts prepared model draft legislation on food fortification. The model draft legislation on food fortification shared with the national and provincial assemblies’ relevant Standing Committees.

Project Team:

1) Dr. Zafar Mehmood : Team Lead
2) Barristor Zafar-ulah: Leagal Expert
3) Ms Fatima Shafqat: Member Consultant


Country: Pakistan
Year: 2020
Client: Nutrition International- Canada