Development of National Education Policy for Ministry of Education


Development of National Education Policy for Ministry of Education 

About Project 
Development of National Education Policy for Ministry of Education

Services Provided:

Our experts have developed National Education Policy (Year 2016 to 2025), with the Ministry of Education. Detailed consultations with the provinces, related to curriculum, education quality, student assessment, school management and teachers’ performance etc. have been completed and the policy document has been disseminated to provinces for review and deliberation.

The working of 2017 education policy was adopted in the form of Education Policy Framework 2020 by the incumbent Government of Pakistan Tehreek I Insaaf.

  1. i) Detailed Consultations with Provinces regarding

– curriculum,

– education quality,

– student assessment,

– school management

– teachers’ performance

ii) Dissemination of Policy document to Provinces

Project Team:

Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Arshad Saeed