Third Party Validation


Conducted a detailed third party validation study of Youth Helpline for Youth Affairs & Archaeology
Department, Government of the Punjab. Based upon the validation study a Planning Commission Performa 1 was prepared and presented to the client for further processing with Planning & Development Department of Government of the Punjab. The Youth Affairs & Archeology Department successfully got approval from their fellow Planning & Development, about regularization of the Youth Helpline.

Services Provided:

Momentum carried out a third party evaluation of the Youth Helpline for Youth Affairs & Archaeology
Department, Government of the Punjab. Semi-structured research tools were developed for interview with the relevant stakeholders. These interviews were systematically analyzed. An evaluation report was prepared and shared with the client.

Project Team:

1) Muhammad Tanveer
2) Ghulam Shabbir


Country: Pakistan
Year: 2015
Client: Punjab Youth Portal